Programs / Foster Care Program / The Foster Care Process
Info package is requestedfrom applicant to McMan
Info package is sentfrom McMan to applicant
Applicant fills outinitial application andadditional documentation
Home visit fromMcMan to applicant
Secondary Information &documentation requestedfrom McMan and filled outby the applicant
Second homevisit scheduled
All required documentsand references arecompleted and submittedto McMan
A home writer isassigned
Mandatory Trainingscheduled for applicant(32 hours)
Home study writerconducts 3 – 6 home visitsand completes SAFE(Structured AnalysisFamily Evaluation)home study
Home study and documentationcompleted and submitted toChildren’s Services for review
Licensing has 15 days toreview application andadditional information may be requested
Approval of home studycomplete, licensingappointment scheduled totake place in the home
Licensing approvesthe home
Contract signed & all finaldocuments gathered
Applicants and home areapproved to provide carefor children